
Madison: An In-Home Newborn Session

February 1, 2024




ABOUT Ashley

Lover of antiques, rustic European style, and fluffy animals. Middle of three sisters. Novice plant lady. Globetrotter. 

HI! I'm Ashley. I am mom to a spirited and confident 10 year old daughter (and our super snuggly cocker spaniel, Dorothea). I believe in giving ourselves grace, and creating the life we want to live, separate from anyone else's expectations and norms. I'm an eternal optimist, and strive to see the beauty in others. Portraiture is how I connect with people, and I'm honored to show mothers and families the beauty I see in them. 

                     for the hospital or birth center

for the hospital or birth center

what to pack

Having a go-bag ready and at arm’s reach once you’re in the likely range of going into labor can make your rush to the hospital or birth center that much less stressful. It can take the pressure off your already flooded mind and give you peace of mind that this one piece of preparing for your little one is done and ready. However, deciding what to pack for the hospital or birth center can be confusing.

This free guide will walk you through everything you should consider packing in your go-bag, with tons of helpful tips!

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